Reference Material

The importance to researching an impression cannot be overstated; without it, it cannot be said that we would be properly representing those that actually wore and fought in the uniform.  We would be doing the Greatest Generation an extreme disservice if we did not put as much time and dedication as possible into researching what they wore and how they wore it.  The following are reference materials that we have utilized in creating our representation of the men of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, and highly encourage all of our members to employ.


-Four Stars of Valor, by Phil Nordyke

-Ready, by Allen Langdon

-On to Berlin, by James Gavin

-Descending from the Clouds, by Spencer E. Wurst and Gayle Wurst

-No Better Place to Die, by Robert Murphy

-The All Americans in World War II, by Phil Nordyke

-The 82nd Airborne Division:  A Photographic History Volume 1, by Phil Nordyke

-Sainte-Mere-Eglise:  Photographs of D-Day, by Michael De Trez

-Drop Zone Sicily, by William Breuer

-Combat Jump: The Young Men Who Led the Assault Into Fortress Europe, July 1943, by Ed Ruggero

​-The First Men In: US Paratroopers and the Fight to Save D-Day, by Ed Ruggero

-Surrounded by Heroes, by Len Lebenson

-The Way We Were:  Colonel Bob Piper, by Michael De Trez

-An Irresistible Force:  Lieutenant Colonel Ben Vandervoort and the 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry in World War II, by Phil Nordyke

-Jump Commander, by Mark J. Alexander

G Company, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division (Reenacted)